
Getting started with React Flow Components

Hayleigh Thompson
Software Engineer

Recently, we launched an exciting new addition to our open-source roster: React Flow Components. These are pre-built nodes, edges, and other ui elements that you can quickly add to your React Flow applications to get up and running. The catch is these components are built on top of shadcn/ui and the shadcn CLI.

We’ve previously written about our experience and what led us to choosing shadcn over on the xyflow blog, but in this tutorial we’re going to focus on how to get started from scratch with shadcn, Tailwind CSS, and React Flow Components.


Wait, what’s shadcn?

No what, who! Shadcn is the author of a collection of pre-designed components known as shadcn/ui. Notice how we didn’t say library there? Shadcn takes a different approach where components are added to your project’s source code and are “owned” by you: once you add a component you’re free to modify it to suit your needs!

Getting started

To begin with, we’ll set up a new vite project along with all the dependencies and config we’ll need. Start by running the following command:

npx create-vite@latest

Vite is able to scaffold projects for many popular frameworks, but we only care about React! Additionally, make sure to set up a TypeScript project. React Flow’s documentation is a mix of JavaScript and TypeScript, but for shadcn components TypeScript is required!

All shadcn and React Flow components are styled with Tailwind CSS, so we’ll need to install that and a few other dependencies next:

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Tailwind is a heavily customisable utility-first CSS framework and much of that customisation is done in a tailwind.config.js file. Fortunately, the package can generate a default config for us:

npx tailwindcss init -p

Tailwind works by scanning your project’s source code and building a CSS file that contains only the utilities you’re using. To make sure that happens we need to change two things:

  1. Update the content field in tailwind.config.js to include any source files that might contain Tailwind classes.
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
  1. Replace the generated src/index.css file with the Tailwind directives:
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Finally, we can go ahead and delete the generated src/App.css file and update src/App.jsx to just render an empty div:

function App() {
  return <div className="w-screen h-screen p-8"></div>;
export default App;

The classes w-screen and h-screen are two examples of Tailwind’s utility classes. If you’re used to styling React apps using a different approach, you might find this a bit strange at first. You can think of Tailwind classes as supercharged inline styles: they’re constrained to a set design system and you have access to responsive media queries or pseudo-classes like hover and focus.

Setting up shadcn/ui

Vite scaffolds some tsconfig files for us when generating a TypeScript project and we’ll need to make some changes to these so the shadcn components can work correctly. The shadcn CLI is pretty clever (we’ll get to that in a second) but it can’t account for every project structure so instead shadcn components that depend on one another make use of TypeScript’s import paths.

In both tsconfig.json and tsconfig.app.json add the following to the compilerOptions object:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["./src/*"]

And then we need to teach Vite how to resolve these paths:

npm i -D @types/node
import { defineConfig } from "vite"
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"
import path from "node:path"
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      "@": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src"),

At this point feel free to pat yourself on the back and take a tea break. There’s a lot of up-front configuration to get through but once we have the shadcn CLI set up we’ll be able to add new components to our project with a single command - even if they have dependencies or need to modify existing files!

We can now run the following command to set up shadcn/ui in our project:

npx shadcn@latest init

The CLI will ask you a few questions about your project and then it will generate a components.json file in the root of your project, and update your tailwind.config.js with some extensions to your theme. We can take all the default options for now:

✔ Which style would you like to use? › New York
✔ Which color would you like to use as the base color? › Neutral
âś” Would you like to use CSS variables for theming? yes

Adding your first components

To demonstrate how powerful shadcn can be, let’s dive right into making a new React Flow app! Now everything is set up, we can add the <BaseNode /> component with a single command:

npx shadcn@latest add https://ui.reactflow.dev/base-node

This command will generate a new file src/components/base-node.tsx as well as update our dependencies to include @xyflow/react!

That <BaseNode /> component is not a React Flow node directly. Instead, as the name implies, it’s a base that many of our other nodes build upon. Let’s see what it looks like by updating our App.jsx file:

import "@xyflow/react/dist/style.css"
import { BaseNode } from '@/components/base-node'
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="w-screen h-screen p-8">
      <BaseNode selected={false}>
        Hi! đź‘‹
export default App;

Ok, not super exciting…

A screenshot of a simple React application. It renders one element, a rounded container with a blue border and the text 'Hi! đź‘‹' inside.

Remember that the <BaseNode /> component is used by any other React Flow components we add using the shadcn CLI, so what happens if we change it? Let’s update the <BaseNode /> component to render any text as bold monospace instead:

import React from "react";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
export const BaseNode = React.forwardRef<
  React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & { selected?: boolean }
>(({ className, selected, ...props }, ref) => (
      "rounded-md border bg-card p-5 text-card-foreground font-mono font-bold",
      selected ? "border-muted-foreground shadow-lg" : "",
BaseNode.displayName = "BaseNode";

Now we’ll add an actual node from the React Flow Components registry and see what happens:

npx shadcn@latest add https://ui.reactflow.dev/tooltip-node

And we’ll update our App.tsx file to render a proper flow. We’ll use the same basic setup as most of our examples so we won’t break down the individual pieces here. If you’re still new to React Flow and want to learn a bit more about how to set up a basic flow from scratch, check out our quickstart guide.

import "@xyflow/react/dist/style.css";
import {
} from "@xyflow/react";
import { TooltipNode } from "@/components/tooltip-node";
const nodeTypes = {
  tooltip: TooltipNode,
const initialNodes: Node[] = [
    id: "1",
    position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
    data: {
      label: "Hover me",
      tooltip: {
        label: "Boo!",
        position: Position.Bottom,
    type: "tooltip",
const initialEdges: Edge[] = [];
function App() {
  const [nodes, , onNodesChange] = useNodesState(initialNodes);
  const [edges, setEdges, onEdgesChange] = useEdgesState(initialEdges);
  const onConnect: OnConnect = (params) => {
    setEdges((edges) => addEdge(params, edges));
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen p-8">
export default App;

And would you look at that, the tooltip node we added automatically uses the <BaseNode /> component we customised!

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